The new year is here! 2023 saw a lot of changes for NDAB, and we are excited to see what 2024 has in store for us. In December I attended the State EO Meetings in Florida where 18 other state association Executive Officers gathered for a two-day meeting to discuss various topics such as Advocacy, PAC, Membership, and we had great discussion with NAHB CEO & President Jim Tobin. We were grateful to have him attend these meetings. We also heard from various member benefits affiliates!
Save the Date for our 2024 Events! Our Spring Social will take place in Bismarck on March 19th with the Spring Board Meeting the following morning on March 20th. The NDAB Summer Social will be in Grand Forks on July 30th and the Summer Board Meeting on July 31st. Our year will conclude with our Annual Banquet in Williston on November 12th and the final meeting of our 2024 Board of Directors will take place on November 13th. Our annual BUILD-PAC event date hasn’t been decided. Keep your eye out for further details on all our events coming soon!
Welcome to our new board members in 2024! NDAB Treasurer, Rich Stradling (DABA), new State Representative, Tom Spaeth (HBA of F-M), and new Alternate BUILD-PAC Trustee, Joe Stenvold (MAB). Our Area 10 National Area Chairman will be from our state starting after IBS 2024, Don Dabbert (HBA of F-M). New members on the Board of Directors include Joe Vetter (BMHBA), Rob Clemow and James Donivant (DABA), Adrian Cummings (FORX), Joyce Balstad and Shannon Roers Jones (HBA of F-M), Scott Lee (MAB), and Tom Freeman (WABA). We are excited to have you all join our leadership team!
Don’t forget to register for the International Builders’ Show. The show will take place in Las Vegas on February 27-29, 2024. Go to to register. The Area 10 Reception will be on February 27th at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort (NDAB’s hotel block) in Pavilion 9. This is a great opportunity to visit with your peers across the state and to also introduce yourself to our Student Chapters. Other NAHB events in 2024 include the Spring Leadership Meeting & Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 11-14 and the Fall Leadership Meeting in San Antonio, TX on October 1-3.
Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.
Brittney Roehrich, NDAB CEO