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North Dakota AssociatIon

of Builders


  • December 28, 2023 1:36 PM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    It is hard to believe that 2023 has come and gone and my time as President of the North Dakota Association of Builders is coming to an end. It has been a rewarding experience for me to serve our association for the past year as your President. As I look back over the past, there have been many ups, downs and challenges our association has had to overcome. This past year has been rewarding for me as the association continues to grow and support all ND home builders and those that support our industry.

    I would like to thank the 2023 NDAB Executive Committee for helping guide the association through an Executive Officer change and the entire board for placing your confidence and trust in me to lead our association over the past year. I would also like to thank all members and other HBA’S for stepping up and helping the association pull off all the events we hosted this year.

    With an election year approaching in 2024 I would like to thank all members for past PAC donations and urge you to continue with your donations and recruiting new donors to PAC. Without your BUILD-PAC and NDAB-PAC dollars we lose our voice in our Local, State and Federal elections.

    Remember to always be recruiting. We have strength in numbers. Membership applications are available for each local association and staff are always on standby to follow-up on referrals.

    Jeff Sattler

    2023 NDAB President

  • December 01, 2023 9:48 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    The holidays are right around the corner, which is a great time to reflect on our member accomplishments in the past year. NDAB had a lot of changes in 2023, and we look forward to 2024 with what we can achieve in the new year!

    NDAB had a busy November with our fall events in Fargo. On Day One we met with Home Builders Institute (HBI) President & CEO, Ed Brady, to discuss the importance of importance of implementing the HBI curriculum into our schools to help with workforce development. Ed joined us at our BUILD-PAC event that night where we hosted a Bourbon Tasting, “Politics of Whiskey” class at Elevate Meetings & Events, with a social afterwards where Mayor Kory Peterson (Horace) and Commissioner Dave Piepkorn joined us. NAHB’s Federal Legislative Director, Heather Voorman, also flew into Fargo for the week. We were happy to host Ed and Heather from Washington, D.C.!

    Day Two began with committee meetings and ended with our Annual Banquet at the Radisson Blu. Thank you to special guests, Mayor Tim Mahoney and other State Senators and Representatives for stopping by our social! We began our program by thanking our top 2023 PAC Contributors and Lifetime SPIKES. Our 2023 Award winners were announced which included Builder of the Year (Vicki & Scott Moran, Hallmark Homes, BMHBA), Associate of the Year (Mike Salwey, Lumber Mart, FORX), BEAM (Jim Sandbeck, Triple J Construction, FORX), and the Member Recruitment Award (Forx Builders Association, EO Dylan Young). Congrats to our winners!

    We were lucky to have former NDAB President from 1997, Bob Kochmann (Kochmann Brothers Homes), do the installation of our 2024 Board of Directors and our 2024 President, Tom Spaeth (Accent Contracting). The end of the evening concluded with a DJ and dance where a great time was had by all. The events came to an end with our fall board meeting on Day Three. We thank everyone for making the trip to Fargo!

    I would like to thank our outgoing NDAB board members from 2023, Jamie Schmidt (BMHBA), Mike Jangula, Andy Muckle, & Chuck Olsen (DABA), Brandon Cobb (FORX), Kim Hochhalter (HBA of FM), Travis Mowbray (MAB), and Mike Dolbec (WABA). Thank you for your time spent away from your business and family to support the association.

    Don’t forget to register for the International Builders’ Show! The show will take place in Las Vegas on February 27-29, 2024. Take advantage of early registration by January 5th. Go to to register.

    Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich, NDAB CEO

  • November 01, 2023 9:45 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    The holiday season is officially here!  As the construction season has slowed down, use this “extra” time to spend time with family and friends.  November is Spike Appreciation Month and many of you may not know what the SPIKE club is.  This is NAHB’s most valuable tool for recruitment and retention.  Plus, Spikes can take advantage of a variety of benefits that come because of your efforts. Each year, Spikes who have recruited at least one new builder and/or associate member receive two tickets to the Closing Spike Concert (COLE SWINDELL) at IBS.  In addition, Spikes who have recruited at least five new builder and/or associate members receive an invite to the VIP section at the concert where you can enjoy complimentary food and drinks.  Please visit with me if you’re unsure of your Spike status or how to “join” the club!

    I was happy to attend the BMHBA Fall Mixer & Board Elections on October 17th.  It was great to see a full room of the membership there to support the incoming board nominees and award winners. Special Guest, NAHB’s First Vice Chairman of the Board Carl Harris, was in attendance and discussed updates on NAHB and spoke on the importance of your membership!  CONGRATS to the 2023 BMHBA Award Winners and the new directors appointed to the 2024 BMHBA Board of Directors!

    The first annual Area 10 Leadership Conference was a great success!  Various Executive Officers, staff, and emerging leaders across ND, SD, MN, WI, and IA met up in Minneapolis for a two-day training in October.  This conference was uniquely designed to offer sessions that support the professional development of both member leaders and HBA staff.  NAHB leadership in attendance included NAHB President & CEO, Jim Tobin, NAHB Chairman of the Board, Alicia Huey, and NAHB 1st Vice Chairman of the Board, Carl Harris.  We encourage all emerging leaders throughout our state to join us in 2024!

    NDAB’s fall events are almost here!  You should have received a formal invitation in the mail and by email.  If you haven’t registered for our events, please do so at  The BUILD-PAC event will be held the night of November 15th with a Bourbon Tasting, “Politics of Whiskey” class, then a social after.  Committee meetings will take place November 16th and the day will conclude with our Annual Banquet & Social.  After the conclusion of the program, we will have a DJ & Dance where we will celebrate a great year with the HBA!  The NDAB Fall Board Meeting will be held on November 17th.  We encourage all members to make the trip to Fargo as we induct our 2024 Board of Directors and announce our 2023 Award Winners. 

    Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich,  NDAB CEO

  • October 02, 2023 10:37 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    Happy fall everyone – the busy construction season is starting to wind down! October is Careers in Construction Month. This is the time for HBA’s and members to help raise awareness of the well-paying jobs that are available in homebuilding and related trade professions. Governor Burgum has officially declared October as Careers in Construction Month in North Dakota. According to NAHB, nearly 2.2 million new construction workers will be needed to keep up with the housing demand over the next three years. Workforce development is vital to help shape the next generation of builders!

    Various board members and staff attended NAHB’s Fall Leadership Meetings in Palm Springs last month. The weather was wonderful and it’s always fun to reunite with other leaders across the country. The NAHB Leadership Council, which is led by Chairman Alicia Huey, held their meeting on September 21st. This council is made up of Builder and Associate members who have been nominated by their local and state associations to act as the voice of the home building industry as the association discusses industry issues and the policies required to address these issues and elects the leadership of the association.

    The Area 10 Leadership Conference is almost here! Attendees will include Executive Officers, staff, and emerging leaders across North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. This training is uniquely designed to offer sessions that support the professional development of both member leaders and HBA staff. The conference will be held in Minneapolis on October 12-13.

    NDAB’s fall events are just around the corner! Be on the lookout soon for formal invites in your mailbox and through your email. The BUILD-PAC fundraising event will be held the night of November 15th at Elevate Meetings & Events in Fargo. There will be a Bourbon Tasting, “Politics of Whiskey” class with limited availability, then a social afterwards. Committee meetings will take place November 16th and the day will conclude with our Annual Banquet & Social. The Fall Board Meeting will convene on November 17th. The meetings and Annual Banquet will be at the Radisson Blu. We encourage all members to make the trip to Fargo as we induct our 2024 Board of Directors and announce our 2023 award winners!

    Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich, NDAB CEO

  • September 25, 2023 2:00 PM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    This past quarter has brought frustrations (high interest rates, etc.) for the home building industry but builders along with their subcontractors are resilient and we will get through this like we have in the past.

    In July, we headed west to Williston for our Summer Social and Board meeting. NDAB 2nd Vice President, Bob Horab, hosted us all at his wonderful establishment, McCody Concrete. He gave everyone tours of the space and it’s always interesting to see how our peers have built up their businesses. NAHB First Vice Chairman, Carl Harris, attended as well along with his wife Lori. Having representation from national helps our members understand the importance of their 3-in-1 membership.

    A big staff change took place this summer as Kayla Pulvermacher put in her resignation with NDAB as the CEO. She put in many hours at the State Capitol this past legislative session and worked tirelessly to make sure NDAB was fighting for all housing related bills on your behalf. We wish her luck in her new career. We offered the vacated CEO position to Brittney Roehrich who was the former NDAB Director of Operations and Member Services. She graciously accepted and has been busy with this transition period along with attending NAHB events.

    Be on the lookout in your inbox to register for our upcoming events soon. The NDAB Annual Banquet will take place in Fargo on November 16. We will announce our 2023 Award Winners and induct the 2024 Board of Directors along with our 2024 President, Tom Spaeth. We will also be hosting a BUILD-PAC fundraiser at Elevate in Fargo on November 15th. The Fall NDAB Board Meeting will be held on November 17.

    I look forward to leading this association in the final quarter of this year.

    Jeff Sattler

    2023 NDAB President

  • September 06, 2023 10:23 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    Hello NDAB Members!

    I’m Brittney Roehrich, the new Chief Executive Officer for the North Dakota Association of Builders. I was previously the Director of Operations & Member Services with NDAB, and I also worked at the Bismarck-Mandan Home Builders Association as the Membership Director for two years prior. I’m excited to continue on this journey with all of you!

    On July 26th and 27th, NDAB hosted directors and members from across the state at our annual Summer Social and Board Meeting. NAHB’s 1st Vice Chairman of the Board, Carl Harris, was in attendance and spoke to the membership about NAHB’s extensive work they do for the membership. He also spoke at our board meeting and discussed economic updates, workforce development and much more.

    The ND Department of Career and Technical Education Department hosted their annual Professional Development Conference at the Bismarck Event Center August 7-9. NDAB had a booth in their exhibit hall, and I was able to talk to multiple counselors and instructors about NAHB Student Chapters, the Home Builders Institute, and how NDAB can assist with workforce development. President Jeff Sattler spoke on behalf of NDAB at the Industry Panel Event where he was able to answer questions from the moderator and the educators in the session.

    Various Executive Officers and Staff across the state attended NAHB’s Association Management Conference in Cincinnati, August 22-24th. We all had a great time learning from our peers from across the country and connecting with one another to gain insight on supporting our membership throughout ND.

    There are many upcoming events to add to your calendar! NAHB’s Fall Leadership Meetings are coming up quickly. These meetings bring together the Leadership Council, Board of Directors, committee/council members, and executive officers to make decisions and provide guidance on advocacy, membership and the future of the association. This year’s meetings will be taking place Sept. 19-21 in Palm Springs, CA.

    The Area 10 Leadership Conference will be held on October 12-13 in Minneapolis, MN. This training is uniquely designed to offer sessions that support the professional development of both member leaders and HBA staff. Registration is open to all members including those who are interested in becoming directors in the future!

    NDAB’s fall events will be held in Fargo November 15-17. Our BUILD-PAC event will be held the night of November 15th, various meetings will take place November 16th with our Annual Banquet & Social that night, and finally our Fall Board meeting will be on November 17th. The meetings and Annual Banquet will be at the Radisson Blu. The details and location of the BUILD-PAC event are currently being finalized. We encourage all members to make the trip to Fargo as this is when we install our board of directors for 2024 along with announcing our 2023 award winners.

    Don’t ever hesitate to reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich, NDAB CEO

  • July 24, 2023 2:03 PM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    In June, I informed the North Dakota Association of Builders that I am resigning from my position of Chief Executive Officer.  My last day will be July 24.

    Soon after, I’ll be transitioning from NDAB to a position as Executive Director of the ND Grain Growers. Agriculture is a personal passion for me and I’m looking forward to being a leading voice for it.

    Leaving here was possibly one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make.  NAHB, combined with all the local and state federations, is a powerhouse.  I’ve been so impressed with these associations. 

    My pledge to all of you is to work hard this last month to leave this place in a great position for the next CEO.  Which is also my pledge to Brittney.   We’re so lucky to have her!

    Thank you for the opportunities for professional development and personal growth that the organization has provided me.  I have enjoyed working for NDAB and appreciate the support given to me during my time here.  I hope I can still count all of you as friends, and please, don’t be strangers.  Find me on Facebook and Linkedin.

    Kayla Pulvermacher

  • June 27, 2023 1:58 PM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    In June, I had the opportunity to represent NDAB at the NAHB Spring Leadership Meeting and Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. for the first time. If you ever have the chance to attend these meetings, I highly encourage it.

    Getting the chance to sit down with our state delegation is a priceless benefit of your NDAB membership.  Our attendees got to speak one on one with Senators Hoeven and Cramer and Congressman Armstrong.  We briefed them on the issues that are currently affecting our industry in North Dakota and throughout the United States.  They all took the time to thank us for our support and for what we do for homebuilders.

    As a part of the Spring Leadership Meeting, we were able to listen to the new NAHB CEO, Jim Tobin, and hear his vision for the future of the national organization.  Our new NAHB Chief Lobbyist, Lake Coulson, also briefed us on the current politics in Washington. Finally, our North Dakota delegates took part in the meeting and represented our state well. All that attended spoke highly of their experience and hoped to attend again.

    Without a doubt, NAHB will continue to be a force for our industry.

    This trip helped to tie together the importance of having a local, state, and national presence for our organization.  While all politics start locally, having a part of each level of government ensures that we get a say in how our businesses can continue to have an integral part in the economy of North Dakota.  I hope to see you take part in the future.

    Jeff Sattler

    2023 NDAB President

  • April 26, 2023 9:08 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    New research shows the percentage of homes with 4+ bedrooms rose slightly to 48% in 2022, up from 43% in 2019, due in part to the flexibility bedrooms can provide homeowners. The findings are based on an analysis by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) of U.S. Census Bureau data that track the characteristics of new single-family homes.

    Builders are responding to home buyers who want their new homes to provide plenty of space and support their day-to-day activities and overall well-being. New homes have flexible spaces that are inviting for individuals and families, especially following the height of the pandemic. New home buyers can choose the finishes, fixtures, flooring, paint colors, and more that suit their preferences and are often more durable without the hassle or cost of changing the previous owner’s tastes.   

    According to a recent survey by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), home features that resonate with first-time and repeat buyers include laundry rooms, patios and walk-in pantries. In addition, builders saw a large jump in demand for exterior amenities, such as patios, decks and porches, in 2022, along with increased demand for home offices — which appeared on the list of buyers’ most-wanted features for the first time this year.

    New homes benefit not only the homeowner but also the community. The estimated one-year impacts of building 100 single-family homes in a typical local area include: $28.7 million in local income, $3.6 million in taxes and other revenue for local governments, and 394 local jobs.

    As we get into the hectic building season, remember how important you are to the consumer and the community. Not only do you make dreams come true, but your work supports the entire community. Thank you for what you do.

    Kayla Pulvermacher

  • March 31, 2023 9:07 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    Here at NDAB, we take our job of representing you, the builder and subcontractor seriously. We wanted to put together a benefits package that would help our members in a new, more efficient way.  So we asked ourselves one question:

    What can we do to help our members run their businesses so they can spend more time on the worksite?

    Enter the Builders Business Collaborative.

    The BUILDER BUSINESS COLLABORATIVE is a partnership between the North Dakota Association of Builders and Farmers Union Insurance. The collaborative offers products that help our members spend less time in the office and more time at the worksite. We know that no two members' businesses are the same, so the products you rely on to keep the operations going should be anything but cookie cutter.

    We know how hard you work; day after day, creating the homeowner’s dream. The last thing you want to do is spend extra time in the office, working on paperwork. We aim to fix that!

    Here's the best part—our partners at Farmers Union Insurance will sit down with you and your business to learn about the work you do and how it makes you different. From there, they will create a package that will help your business thrive.

    All because you're a member of NDAB!

    The majority of our members are small, locally run businesses that are spread thin and cannot afford to hire an HR specialist, an IT and cybersecurity expert, and a payroll professional.  The Collaborative brings all of these business needs together under a single point of contact service so that you can get back to what you love. Plus, our working relationship with Farmers Union Insurance ensure that local agents will be on hand to work with you to assess your business’ requests. 

    Request a free assessment today, a benefit of being an NDAB member. Visit to learn more about this benefit and more.

    Kayla Pulvermacher


The North Dakota Association of Builders represents the professional building industry through legislation, information and education.

(701) 222-2401
1120 College Dr, Ste 101

Bismarck, ND 58501




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